las independencias dominicana lo haitianos luchaban contra la Rep.Dom. fue fundada en el aŇos 1844 la independencias dominicana duro hasta el aŇos 1865.
I am going to write about Dominican Independence. Independence Day is celebrated February 27th. Nowadays, Independence Day is celebrated with a lot of activities in the streets. There are a lot of parades with people dressed like clowns, etc.
The Haitians fought against the Dominicans. The Dominican Republic was founded in the year 1844. The Dominican Independence lasted until 1865.
I am going to write about Dominican Independence. Independence Day is celebrated February 27th. Nowadays, Independence Day is celebrated with a lot of activities in the streets. There are a lot of parades with people dressed like clowns, etc.
The Haitians fought against the Dominicans. The Dominican Republic was founded in the year 1844. The Dominican Independence lasted until 1865.